A medical ID bracelet can save your life by providing valuable information to first responders if you experience an emergency that makes it difficult or impossible for you to communicate. Here’s a quick rundown on why to wear a medical ID bracelet and when it is especially useful to wear one. Who Should Wear a Medical ID bracelet? Anyone with a health condition that can impair communication should consider purchasing and wearing a medical ID band. Invisible health conditions (those …
Tag: medical ID bracelet
“Mental health” is a tricky phrase. It often carries implications of weakness, or being ‘less than,’ and trails behind it decades of undeserved stigma. In actuality, mental health is …
Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Some of these medical conditions include …
Lana wears a medical alert ID for Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Living with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) all these years, I know that I need to be on top …
One of the most common questions about medical IDs is if emergency responders check for them. In a survey conducted by American Medical ID, 95% of responders look for medical …
A medical ID is recommended to anyone living with a medical condition. In an emergency, it can easily and effectively communicate a chronic disease, such as Lupus, to first responders. …
New research shows that travel is the top bucket list goal for Americans. If you are planning your next trip, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers an …
Paracords are popular for being a handy bracelet or strap to have in an emergency. It can be used in so many ways but the most popular use for it …
A medical ID is recommended to anyone living with a medical condition such as Multiple Sclerosis. Photo credit: Kiki Charles The hardest thing for me about multiple sclerosis (MS) …
Medical IDs are worn by many people with medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, autism, and food allergies. The intention is to alert first responders of their chronic illness, allergies, …
“Purchased a new @americanmedicalid and changed the inscription to ensure that I receive epinephrine and that 911 is called!” – @Liladri317 Food allergy to fish or shellfish affects 2.3% of …