March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month

March is bleeding disorders awareness month! Join us in raising awareness for the cause.

Bleeding disorders are medical conditions that complicate blood clotting. 400,000 people worldwide are living with bleeding disorders.

The most common bleeding disorders are hemophilia A & B and Von Willebrand disease. Usual symptoms include uncontrollable bleeding, becoming unconscious, repeated vomiting, convulsions or seizures, and lethargy.

Should you wear a medical ID if you have a bleeding disorder?

Yes! Wearing one can eliminate unnecessary ambulance trips, prevent minor emergencies from escalating, and avoid misdiagnoses. Medical IDs are widely recognized by healthcare professionals, first responders, and teachers and educators.

What should my engraving include? The following is what we recommend you engrave on your medical ID for bleeding disorder:

  • First and last name
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Allergies (medication, food, etc.)
  • Current medications
  • Emergency contact (typically a phone number)

If you have any other questions relating to bleeding disorders or medical IDs, contact us!

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