March is bleeding disorders awareness month! Join us in raising awareness for the cause. Bleeding disorders are medical conditions that complicate blood clotting. 400,000 people worldwide are living with bleeding disorders. The most common bleeding disorders are hemophilia A & B and Von Willebrand disease. Usual symptoms include uncontrollable bleeding, becoming unconscious, repeated vomiting, convulsions or seizures, and lethargy. Should you wear a medical ID if you have a bleeding disorder? Yes! Wearing one can eliminate unnecessary ambulance trips, prevent …
Tag: bleeding disorder
Factor V Leiden is one of the most common bleeding disorders. Because it’s not a visible condition, wearing a factor V Leiden medical alert bracelet can be critical in alerting …
Hemophilia is a rare inherited bleeding disorder that is marked by severe or excessive bleeding in most patients. In this article, we’ll break down several interesting hemophilia facts that are …
The Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation is dedicated to the treatment & cure of hemophilia related bleeding disorders through the support of research, advocacy, education, and more. American Medical ID …